If you were on the Flag Market on 9th June for Making A Mark, you may recall seeing Winston, the world’s first cyclist poet, engaging with the crowds and creating a poem for Preston.
He did this by cycling around, stopping and asking people to pick a word from the spokes on his bicycle then asking them to make phrases using those words.
From these he constructed this wonderful poem for Preston, which we are excited to publish:
A Poem for Preston
Preston is a town of poets that never sleep
where the mental riches you acquire
will abide with you always.
Where you’ll be inspired by holidays, new sandals and a new life in a tent rather than a house
where you will be a new branch on an old tree.
Preston is a meeting by chance
where the diamonds in your hand
are the only friends you’ll need.
Where you’ll be inspired
by the cadmium yellow of daffodils
and a woman in a green dress.
Where you will share your creativity with the crowds,
no ticket required.
Preston is a bike with no brakes
where school holidays last forever
and you’ll be inspired by love, life and friendship,
space travel and relaxing in the rain.
Where its nice to be important
but more important to be nice.
Preston is a sleep of naked dreams
where we search for new costumes.
Where you’ll be inspired by parties and patience
and meeting new people,
where a wandering soul never ends.
Preston is a seat on a bench with your mates
where, if a fleeting life once died in your arms
you’ll find the strength one day
to hold another’s hand
and walk slowly into a new future.
List of contributors who chose to leave their name – Anvitha, Carl, Cat B, Daniel, Denise, Dr Les, Gail, Harvey Brittain, Isabella, Jennifer, Joseph, Julie, Louise, Matthew, Patricia, Santisuk, Shabir, Shraven, Shreyan, Tara, Tim, Winston