Join us for a fabulous evening of art and live music, including the infamous Danse Macabre, played by renowned local musician Tom Woolsgrove, whilst enjoying the spiritual experience of the Signatus art installation, on Friday 25th October between 6-8pm in recognition of the ancient All Hallow’s festival and in support of World Mental Health Day, admission free.
Danse Macabre is a symphonic poem by composer Saint Saens, in which according to legend, ‘Death’ appears at midnight each year on Halloween and calls forth the dead from their graves, to dance their dance of death whilst he plays his fiddle.
This is going to be a fabulous event. A selection of prints and cards will be available to buy with a percentage of any sales, along with any donations received, will be in support of Mind, so come along and enjoy a fabulous evening of art and music whilst supporting a very good cause.