We are thrilled to have been invited to run some activities at the new MET – the Mobile Event Tent – in Preston city centre, on the site of the old Indoor Market next to the Flag Market. Our thanks to Preston City Council and to Professor Charles Quick at In Certain Places, UCLan for the opportunity.
We are busy putting plans together so watch this space for more info but following on from the feedback we received from Making A Mark 2021 and the most popular activities, it will include performance and drop-in workshops with the Worldwise Samba Drummers and Life Drawing with others still being planned, with opportunities for everyone to join in.
Meanwhile please put Friday 3rd June, the day of the Queen’s Jubilee, in your diaries – we’ll be at the MET all day with actual times to be confirmed. Do come along, say Hello and join in. See you then
Read more about the MET at Blog Preston