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By Denise on June 11, 2014
Join us for this Open Day this Saturday 14th June, for an opportunity to see a fabulous new installation by international artist Lubaina Himid MBE. Professor of Contemporary Art at UCLAN in Preston, Lubaina joined Oxheys recently on a short-term basis as a resident artist in order to work on this installation in our Project Space.
Over the past two weeks she has been busy painting and planning and has now completed the installation – it looks fabulous in the industrial setting of the mill.
This will be the only opportunity to see this installation before it gets shipped off to Guanjiu in South Korea for their Art Biennale so don’t miss this opportunity to see and explore the installation. Lubaina will be around all day to answer questions and talk about the work.
If you haven’t been to Oxheys before, the Open Day is also a chance to have a look around, talk with some resident artists and see the Project Space.
The Open Day is on from 11am to 4pm. All welcome.
Please note, if the loading bay is not open please ring the doorbell for disabled access.
Posted in At t'mill, Events, News | Tagged artists, exhibition
By Denise on June 11, 2014

Mechanical Air workshop
Conceived by visual performance artist Michael Mayhew, Mechanical Air employs flute, voice, dance, text 8-channel sound, 16mm film and slide and digital projection. Following performances in London and Manchester, Michael Mayhew and Gavin Osborn are offering a series of workshops to enable you to explore the possibilities of hyper-graphics through collaboration and multi-disciplinary practice. This is a perfect opportunity for musicians, artists, writers, performers, choreographers and dancers to discover their own unique voice in this notation of ideas.
Based on Mechanical Air by Michael Mayhew. Mechanical Air is a Hyper-Graphic Score, a ground-breaking system for the notation and composition of Music Art Performance – MAP.
This system allows for multi-disciplines to combine and collaborate: music, sound, visual arts, text, dance and more can all come together to explore a wide range of ideas and approaches.
This workshop will be held at Oxheys on Saturday 28th June but to maximise the experience, numbers are limited so book a place by registering interest – email Gavin Osborn on
The workshop runs from 11am-5pm and costs £35 with a discounted rate for students and members of LAN (Lancashire Artists Network).
A limited range of artists’ materials, recording equipment, sound playback, sound objects, computer, compact digital cameras and video projection facilities are provided. Participants may bring their own items or musical instruments but any electrical items must show evidence of recent PAT testing.
Refreshments will be provided throughout the day.
This event is supported by Arts Council England.
PLEASE NOTE: This event has been postponed until the Autumn. Please register interest to be informed of the new dates.
Posted in At t'mill, Events, News | Tagged music, workshop
By Denise on June 11, 2014
Over the past couple of weeks we have been busy taking down and rebuilding the partition in the Project Space, giving us a fabulous new display wall. Not only does this make the space look bigger but it gives two new display areas, perfect for large artworks and reflects the light back into the space making it brighter as well. This will make a big improvement to future events and exhibitions so it was worth all the effort.
Posted in At t'mill, News | Tagged gallery, progress
By Denise on June 11, 2014
The 2014 20:20 print exchange exhibition was another hugely successful event – opening night again saw a steady stream of visitors, with some starting to arrive before the official opening time and at the end of the evening we had to draw things to a close as many just did not want to leave.
The range of prints on display was even more diverse than last year and the standard of work, everyone agreed, was even higher. Visitors were once again queuing up to buy prints they had selected, with quite a few buying two or more. Everyone commented on how much they enjoyed the competitive nature of the event as prints were snapped up quickly whilst some folk were still trying to decide which ones to buy! All in good fun however.
Prints were displayed throughout the Project Space, on the walls, between the girders and even in the loading bay with many more in print bins. Those in the bins were quickly used to replace the ones bought in the buying frenzy. We would love to thank Tracy Hill and Magda Staworska-Beavan from ArtLab Contemporary Print Studio at UCLan for their help in installing the exhibition and to printmaking students Alex and Suzanne for their help in wrapping and replacing prints and Tracy for help in handling the sales. We could not have managed without them!
The 20:20 show closed on May 31st, raising an incredible £500. All of the funds raised from the sale of prints are split between Oxheys and ArtLab and used to help provide future opportunities for local artists.
Posted in At t'mill, News | Tagged contemporary art, exhibition, printmaking
By Denise on April 15, 2014

Back by popular demand for 2014 is another 20:20 print sale. This proved so popular last year, with people literally queuing up on opening night to buy prints so make sure you don’t miss out miss this year. Get there early for the pick of the crop as we only have one copy of many of the prints.
Organised with our friends at ArtLab Contemporary Print Studios at UCLan, this is a fantastic fundraiser event as all the proceeds go to ArtLab and Oxheys, which in turn go towards helping local artists find ways of developing and showing their work.
Do join us between 5-7.30pm on Friday May 9th for the special preview evening. Grab yourself some lovely prints at the bargain price of just £10 each and remember, when they’re gone, they’re gone so you only have one chance!
See on display, pay and take away on the day!
Last year almost all the prints sold. Whilst prints remain, the exhibition will run until 31st May, open Fridays and Saturdays 12-3pm.
Posted in Events, News | Tagged exhibition, fundraising, opening, preview
By Denise on April 12, 2014

Ground floor of the mill when we first gained access
Seems hard to believe but it was exactly 3 years ago this weekend that this website was started, when Denise, Joe and Lisa collected the keys for the old factory mill on Stanhope Street that was to become Oxheys Mill Studios and started the collective.
Armed with mops and buckets, a kettle, copious supplies of coffee and masses of enthusiasm, the three artists set about trying to transform the old place into what they hoped would become a popular arts venue in Preston where local artists could show work and try out ideas that might not otherwise be seen.
After several months of scrubbing, cleaning and painting, the doors finally opened in August 2011 for the very first Open exhibition. Since then, a total of 24 different exhibitions have been organised to date, providing opportunities to more than 100 different artists and attracting audiences averaging between 70-80 visitors at preview events alone. A variety of other events include workshops, life drawing sessions, live theatre, music and performance events have also been held.
Oxheys has also participated in several events in Preston including MAPS Festival, Tringe, Lite Night, Guild and a UCLan Art Trail and has worked on collaborations with UCLan, ArtLab Contemporary Print Studios, Lancashire Artists Network, DverCity, Korova Arts Cafe and Bluestreak Arts. We also hosted the BIPP National Photography exhibition in 2012.
Have we achieved the aim we started out with? We hope so but there is still much more we want to do.
Have you been to an event at Oxheys? Please leave your comments and tell us how we did.
Posted in At t'mill, News | Tagged news, progress, studios
By Denise on April 4, 2014

Between the Lines is an exhibition of recent paintings, drawings and etchings by Oxheys’ resident artists Lauretta Rapley and Simon Plum, opening Friday April 11th 5.30-8pm., all welcome. The exhibition is then open 11-3 Saturdays and Sundays (except Easter Sunday) until May 7th.
Posted in Events | Tagged artists, exhibition, gallery, opening
By Denise on March 6, 2014
As March arrives, we welcome a new artist Naomi Dix, to Oxheys and we say goodbye and good luck to Laura, who leaves to have a baby. Naomi, an artist working with textiles, is moving into one of the basement studios, next to ceramicist Terry who joined us a few months ago.
The basement is currently being redecorated, with walls and ceiling being painted white, brightening it up no end. Terry made a start with painting the floor and walls and Naomi has already got stuck in with sealing and painting the other walls and we are all very grateful to Suni who becomes a ‘Friend of Oxheys’ for his work in stripping and painting the ceiling and remaining walls. They are doing a great job!
We do currently have a space in the basement available, next to Naomi, in the open plan area so if you need a space to work and don’t need natural light, contact us to arrange to view, have a look around and meet the artists.
March also kicks off with another session in the Life Drawing series with life model Robin Fanner. Currently invitation-only, these sessions have been gaining some interest amongst other artists so we are planning to run more in the future and open up booking to a wider audience. If you would like to find out more, join our mailing list and also contact us to register interest.
We have a number of events planned for 2014 and are currently finalising dates so do join the mailing list to stay informed. Meanwhile, if you have ideas for using our Project Space for a residency or exhibition, do contact us.
Posted in At t'mill, News | Tagged artists, news, progress, studios
By Denise on January 27, 2014
Our Project Space will be closed during February – it gets a bit chilly in our old mill at this time of year and it is not cheap to heat so it makes sense but also it gives a bit of breathing space. It is time consuming trying to run a program of events and keep regular opening hours, so closing for a few weeks allows those involved to get some time in their own studios before the next round begins!
The next show is scheduled for March with details to follow in due course. Other activities, events and exhibitions are still being planned for 2014 so do watch this space or join our mailing list.
Posted in At t'mill, News | Tagged artists, exhibition, gallery
By Denise on January 25, 2014
Winter is over – well not quite perhaps, but our Winter exhibition has now closed and is coming down ready for artists to collect their work this Friday 31st Jan or Saturday 1st Feb between 12-3pm.
There were some intriguing responses to the theme of winter this time, making a very interesting and diverse show. The Under £20 area, set up in the Loading Bay, particularly proved to be a great idea with lots of artists selling cards, prints, items of jewellery, glassware and ceramics. It was so successful that we are now looking at making a more permanent display area for small items of art for local artists – watch this space.
Posted in At t'mill, News | Tagged collections