All set to Make Our Mark
Making A Mark 2019 is set to be bigger and better than ever. Our Arts Council funding bid was successful so once again we’ve been able to commission local artists and activities. Where last year we addressed the issue of increased use of food banks, this year’s theme addresses the impact of single-use plastics on […]

Art Jam in photos
[tribulant_slideshow gallery_id=”4″] Wow – what an event! The Art Jam on Saturday, at the Harris Museum in Preston was amazing – so many visitors, at times it was difficult to move around. At its busiest, we had around 20 visual artists working on easels, another 6 or 7 sat on chairs with sketch pads, several […]
Opportunity to participate in Lancashire Encounter
Lancashire-based artists, we need your help. Oxheys has been commissioned by the Harris Museum and Preston City Council to create a large-scale arts map of Lancashire for Lancashire Encounter 21-23 September 2018. The aim is to show how much creativity there is in Lancashire, its diversity and how it is interlinked. So if you are […]

Oxheys’ Pop-up at the Harris
During the Making A Mark activities on 9th June on the Flag Market outside the Harris Museum, something was also going inside the Harris on the 2nd floor. After persuading our friends at the Harris to let us have use of both 2nd floor galleries for the weekend, in between exhibitions, we issued a call-out to […]

Making our mark
[tribulant_slideshow gallery_id=2] Saturday June 9th 2018 – hundreds of people visited the Flag Market in Preston to watch, take part or simply have fun during Making A Mark 2018. Months in the planning, the event featured over 20 different Preston-based artists, performers, musicians and creatives, all keen to make their mark and more importantly, to […]

Make Your Mark
12-4pm Saturday 9th June Join us in the Harris Museum and on the Flag Market in Preston. We have organised and commissioned artworks, activities and interventions from some of Preston’s best known artists, with something to appeal to everyone. Bring your families, join in, get creative and have some fun. Full programme of events So […]
Watch out – Oxheys’ about!
We are thrilled to advise that our friends at the Harris Museum & Gallery in Preston have let us have use of both galleries on the 2nd floor for the weekend of 9-10th June – the Making A Mark weekend! We are therefore running an Oxheys Pop-up exhibition in the space – for two days […]

We made our mark in Preston
Saturday June 3rd was a fantastic day on the Flag Market and inside the Harris Museum – hundreds of people came to see us and to join in the Making A Mark activities – a huge thank you to everyone that came, who brought their children and parents along and took part. Huge thanks also to […]

And so to bed…
Today we said a fond goodbye to our old mill as we moved the last of our belongings out and took the final runs to the tip and local charity shops. It has been quite an eventful 6 years – 27 resident artists 111 local artists exhibited 37 exhibitions, including 9 open 17 collaborations with […]
Changing times
It’s finally happened – the old mill that has been our home for the past almost six years has been put up for sale, so we may soon be looking for a new home. We have had a great time in this old mill, run many successful events and made a great many friends. We appreciate our lovely landlord, former councillor and Preston […]