Browse: Page 9
By Denise on May 26, 2015

Connor Tuxford exhibit
When we were approached by a group of final year photography students who were looking for a venue for their first exhibition, we were happy to agree. The students approached us in a professional manner, had some good ideas for a theme for their show and were clearly enthusiastic – not just about their opportunity to show their work for the first time but also about our venue. The project space seemed to lend itself perfectly to their needs.
When it came to installing the exhibition, we were happy to offer some assistance and some advice. They were students, this was their first exhibition and they were unsure and lacking some confidence in just what they could do. We really enjoyed making some suggestions and seeing how they interpreted the ideas to suit their own needs. It is really quite satisfying to see a younger generation benefit from the experiences we have had in using this old mill as an art space! Continue reading “Successful experiment”
Posted in At t'mill, News | Tagged exhibition, students
By Denise on February 11, 2015
This exhibition is an exploration into various experimental techniques and different means of presenting work under the theme of ‘Experimental in Nature’. Through this exploration, a few have branched out into working with film. Those working with film, focus on the photograph as a physical object and so have looked into different ways of printing and presenting the final images. By having both digital and film in the exhibition, a discussion is opened between old and new.
Even though the subject of each photographer varies greatly each has put time and effort to make sure the work is not just a series of fleeting images. Some of the techniques used are double exposures, slow shutter speeds, darkroom technique, pin hole photography. Continue reading “Experimental in Nature – coming soon”
Posted in Events | Tagged artists, exhibition
By Denise on January 19, 2015
After the hectic pre-Christmas Winter schedule of exhibition and workshops, resident artists are making the most of this quiet time of the year to spend time working in their own studios, making art with time to think and expand ideas. That is why we have the studios, after all. Organising exhibitions and other events is enjoyable but it is time consuming and as it is all done on a voluntary basis, it is good to have some down time. The next exhibition, in March, will feature work from UCLAN photography students – more details soon.
Posted in At t'mill, News | Tagged artists, news, studios
By Denise on December 4, 2014
Come and celebrate the Winter Solstice with us at Oxheys for a special one-off, ceremonial performance by a native American Shaman on Friday December 19th from 5pm-6.30pm.
This promises to be a great experience as we welcome the midwinter sun and enjoy a more natural approach to the festive season. Suitable for all ages and all cultures, this performance will take place in the project space alongside our Winter exhibition of contemporary art by resident and local artists. This will be a fabulous event, not to be missed – do join us.
Posted in Events | Tagged art, gallery, performance
By Denise on November 10, 2014
Our Winter exhibition is always popular and a good excuse for a pre-Christmas party with opportunities to buy artist-made cards and small gifts at affordable prices. We hope you will join us again this year. For the first time it is not an ‘open’ exhibition but one featuring work by resident artists along with a few invited artists whose work we like and who have shown us great support. Alongside the exhibition will be a good selection of ceramics, prints and craft items along with a unique selection of hand-made cards. For a truly different experience, come and do your Christmas shopping at Oxheys this year! Continue reading “Winter exhibition 2014”
Posted in At t'mill, Events, News | Tagged art, exhibition, opening, preview, workshop
By Denise on October 16, 2014
Oxheys has been quiet over the past few weeks as resident artists have had various commissions, workshops, consultancy work, exhibitions and other jobs to do. Meaning not much time to spend in the studios or work on ideas, let alone make future plans for Oxheys.
It is also been a time of change, with new artists moving in whilst others are moving out and some internal changes. So it seemed like a good time to take stock, review what we had achieved, reflect on new ideas and consider plans for the future. Earlier this month we all met up, threw some ideas around, found we all agreed what was needed and all committed to doing so. So we are meeting again this weekend to formalise a new constitution that will help us take Oxheys forward into the future. We have some exciting plans so do watch this space. Continue reading “Planning future events”
Posted in At t'mill, News | Tagged artists, exhibition, progress, workshop
By Denise on August 27, 2014
The narrative behind the exhibition derives from Preston’s industrial heritage. Where the imagination wanders and machine type sculptures take on an almost ambiguous presence between sci-fi and urban decay. The film genesis shows the artist working while phoenix brings to life the sculptures that have been filmed in the decaying mills of Preston. This is where phoenix rises from the ashes of industry into a light and bright apocalypse of ceramic, depicting a brighter yet uncertain future. Continue reading “Ceramics, painting & film in Phoenix exhibition”
Posted in Events | Tagged artists, exhibition, opening
By Denise on August 15, 2014
Do come and see us tomorrow in the Flag Market in Preston city centre, for this special one day event – a pop-up art market slap bang in the middle of town!
This event is one of many going on in Preston tomorrow so there are lots of reasons to visit the city and of course, pop along to see us whilst you are there!
There is a variety of hand made items for sale, all made by local artists, including prints, cards, ceramics, jewellery, bags and small art objects, poetry books and other small books.
There is also another opportunity to bag a bargain, as some of the very popular 20:20 prints at just £10 each will be available. This is a perfect opportunity to pick up some original art at affordable prices and support local artists.
Alongside, will be several activities running during the day including life drawing (bring your pads and pencils), paper modelling, knitting, printmaking, painting with pastels, clay modelling and poetry readings. Lots of enjoy and something for children as well.
The Summer exhibition is also still on, open Fridays and Saturdays 12-3pm until August 30th and is open tomorrow in case you want to combine a visit!
Continue reading “Pop-up Art Market”
Posted in At t'mill, Events, News | Tagged art, artists
By Denise on August 5, 2014
We are celebrating our 3rd birthday in style with a special Summer Open exhibition – an exciting fusion of poetry and visual arts, featuring work from over 30 artists from all over Lancashire. Private View event is this Thursday 7th from 6-8pm – all welcome. Continue reading “Celebrate summer – fusion of visual art & poetry”
Posted in At t'mill, Events, News | Tagged artists, exhibition, gallery, opening, poetry, visual art
By Denise on June 30, 2014
As part of our 3rd birthday celebrations, we are running a special Summer Open exhibition, also featuring a one-day pop-up Art Market event on Preston Flag Market.
Local artists, LAN and ArtLab members are all invited to join us. Artists interested in running workshops or a performance during the Art Market even are also invited to apply. Continue reading “Summer open exhibition & art market”
Posted in At t'mill, News | Tagged art, artists, exhibition, news, submissions |