Changing times
It’s finally happened – the old mill that has been our home for the past almost six years has been put up for sale, so we may soon be looking for a new home. We have had a great time in this old mill, run many successful events and made a great many friends. We appreciate our lovely landlord, former councillor and Preston […]

Winter exhibition proves popular again
Our winter exhibition was once again, a great success. Always a popular event, we had a fantastic response to our call for work, with many artists who have previously shown with us coming back with new pieces for this show – some they had made especially. It is always exciting to see the entries coming […]

All about the wool
The collaborative project Woolly Thinking was a great opportunity for all the resident artists at Oxheys to get involved in one project. Each artist has their own set of interests and skills to bring to a project like this so it was the perfect opportunity for everyone to muck in, do what they wanted to do […]

Feast Wagons – opens Friday
We are really excited about this show, a collaboration with Making Histories Visible. Feast Wagons was previously shown at The Tetley in Leeds in 2014 and is now coming to Oxheys in Preston! This intriguing installation, by renowned artists Lubaina Himid and Susan Walsh will provide something for everyone to engage with. Featuring a number of found […]

Woolly Thinking
Celebrating our 5th birthday, this is a collaborative project in which residents explore Preston’s rich textile heritage. Alongside Lancashire Encounter, the exhibition at Oxheys opens with a Private View on 22 September 6-8pm when our friend Chelytherium will play live soundscapes in response to the theme. Come and enjoy the art on display, which includes […]
Busy, busy, busy
It has been a very busy few weeks at Oxheys as resident artists have been preparing for an upcoming collaborative project which will form part of our 5th birthday celebrations and also be a part of Lancashire Encounter festival weekend of 24-25 September. Woolly Thinking will explore Preston’s rich textiles heritage in a variety of […]
5th Summer Open exhibition
Our fifth Summer Open exhibition is now installed and ready for the private view this Thursday 14th July from 6-8pm. Always a popular event, once again we had a fantastic response to our call for submissions from local artists. Some have exhibited with us before whilst others have submitted to us for the first time, giving […]

5th Summer Open exhibition – call for submissions
Be part of our FIFTH birthday celebrations in our Summer Open exhibition! Details are now available for submissions to an exhibition which is always an exciting, well supported and well attended event. The theme this year is ‘conservation’ which can be very widely interpreted so let your imagination run riot! The show will run from July […]

Dream mapping
Dream Mapping, the latest exhibition at Oxheys, is on til 2nd July. An exhibition of original work by resident artist Gordon Ashworth, makes use of a kind of mapping, building on shapes, symbols and animal totems, drawing upon the unconscious and dreams, attempting to connect the spirit world with the physical. Gordon’s recent drawing and painting is […]
Next exhibition – preview 2nd June 6-8pm
With the popular and successful Photography! exhibition now taken down, packed up and ready to go off to the next venue, preparations are already under way for installing the next exhibition! Opening next Thursday 2nd June with a private view from 6-8pm it will feature the fascinatingly intricate work of resident artist Gordon Ashworth, who […]