Preston City Council were so pleased with the event we staged last year that they invited us back again, so we decided to go bigger and better than before! The cogs have been turning and we’ve come up with what we think are some really exciting plans for this years’ Making a Mark day in Preston on 15th June 2019, marking the start of Preston’s Summer Saturdays season.
Why not give Life Drawing a try? Come along and join our session in the Fine Art Gallery at the Harris Museum & Art Gallery in Preston on Saturday January 26th from 12pm til 3pm*. Booking is essential as these sessions are becoming more popular. These are non-tutored sessions but advice and guidance is available. Models are experienced and are of mixed age, gender, ethnicity and various body types, offering a range of quick and longer poses. Please bring your own dry materials. A donation of £3 is suggested please. Everyone welcome from age 18 upwards. Doors are closed
Book your place at the museum shop or by email to Kyra at
*Sessions start at 12 prompt with no entry permitted once doors close, so please arrive early to set up. There is one break during the session.
Another new collaboration, this time with D52 gallery, Drink and Draw will be a relaxed, fun evening, where someone comes to perform/demonstrate/entertain whilst we draw them! D52 will then hold a pop-up exhibition of work created at the event. This month’s event will be Rhythm Jam with percussion demonstrations, interactions and performance, with the chance to enjoy tans and get to play with lots of fun percussion, as well as drawing!
We will be in the private function room at the newly refurbished Stanley Arms, behind the Harris in Preston city centre. There is a suggested donation of £3 towards future events. This should be a fun night all are welcome so do join us.
We are very pleased to announce that we have been invited by the Harris Museum & Gallery in Preston city centre to continue working with them running a series of Life Drawing sessions. A professional model offers a variety of short and long poses. The last session for 2018 is on 24th November so if you’d like to join in, please do come along.You can book a place through the Harris shop. Dates are also now available up til June 2019 so there are several options available. Continue reading “It’s a Draw!”
Wow – what an event! The Art Jam on Saturday, at the Harris Museum in Preston was amazing – so many visitors, at times it was difficult to move around. At its busiest, we had around 20 visual artists working on easels, another 6 or 7 sat on chairs with sketch pads, several more perched on tables or benches and one on the floor. In addition, several musicians playing an assortment of instruments, a singer, a poet, alongside people making model artists out of plasticine and others just enjoying the buzz. A huge thank you to all the artists that participated and to everyone that came but in particular, to the Harris Museum for allowing us to take over the Fine Art Gallery and trusting us enough to do our own thing. We loved every minute and judging by the messages we’ve received, so did all the artists that took part.
Join us for the very first Art Jam to be held at the Harris Museum & Gallery in Preston as part of the Lancashire Encounter festival, as we celebrate our 7th birthday! We’ll be in Gallery 6 on the 2nd floor from 12-6pm Saturday 22nd September. We have a diverse selection of artists taking part, some on easels who’ll be sketching and drawing whilst others will be reading poetry or singing or playing instruments and yet others will be crafting and making things. There will also be some spare easels for anyone to come along and just join in. The idea is for everyone to respond to the activities and sounds going on around them, as one big collaboration. Continue reading “Art Jam at the Harris for Lancashire Encounter”
It was with great sadness we learned yesterday of the passing of Cllr Albert Richardson – twice Mayor of Preston, our landlord, long time supporter and our friend. Quite simply, if not for Albert offering the use of his then empty factory mill on Stanhope Street in 2011, Oxheys would never have started.
He proudly came to every one of our exhibitions and private views, enjoyed showing off “his gallery” to his friends and made a point of buying artwork from every one of the resident artists.
He was a true gentleman. A kind-hearted and generous man with a lively spirit, who enjoyed having a bit of fun. We have many happy memories from the 6 years we spent at the mill.
Albert – you will never be forgotten. Rest in peace.
Oxheys has been commissioned by the Harris Museum and Preston City Council to create a large-scale arts map of Lancashire for Lancashire Encounter 21-23 September 2018. The aim is to show how much creativity there is in Lancashire, its diversity and how it is interlinked. So if you are a visual artist, musician, performer, a studio, collective or group, practicing or based in Lancashire, we want to hear from you. Continue reading “Opportunity to participate in Lancashire Encounter”
At Oxheys we don’t do bored and stuffy – our planning meeting yesterday took place on the Flag Market outside the Harris Museum, in glorious sunshine with elderflower and dandelion & burdock juice aplenty. We discussed the outcomes of the recent Making A Mark event, assessed what had worked well and where improvements could be made. We also came up with a whole raft of mad ideas for a future intervention event – more on that in due course!
Also up for discussion was our recent successful bid for Lancashire Encounter 2018 and for that, we’ll need help from every artist, performer or musician based in Lancashire. Details will follow but essentially we’ll just need you to let us know who you are, where you’re based and what you do! Simples. You’ll then become part of our art map of Lancashire.
The next post will include a form to complete and submit….
If you were on the Flag Market on 9th June for Making A Mark, you may recall seeing Winston, the world’s first cyclist poet, engaging with the crowds and creating a poem for Preston.
Winston Plowes engaging more visitors with poetry
He did this by cycling around, stopping and asking people to pick a word from the spokes on his bicycle then asking them to make phrases using those words.