Changing World
The theme for Making A Mark 2020, now postponed until 2021, was Changing World. Who could have guessed just how relevant that would prove to be? The world has changed in so many different ways over the past few months for every one of us – we are all living by different rules, in different […]
Mardi Gras in Preston!!!
Come and join in the fun on Saturday February 22nd to celebrate Mardi Gras with a parade through Preston city centre, down to Avenham Park. Led by Worldwise Samba Drummers, the parade is open to anyone to join in and wearing of costumes is encouraged. Musicians, dancers and performers – you are all invited to […]

Dyeversity at Mela
Oxheys were at Preston Mela on Saturday July 6th 2019, with a stall demonstrating how wool from locally bred sheep had been hand-dyed using locally found wild plants to create a beautifully diverse range of natural, organic coloured yarns suitable for weaving or knitting. Specially designed frames, produced on a 3D printer, were made available […]

We made our mark!
What a day on Saturday 15th June, the day for Making A Mark in Preston. The change in weather forecast meant a few last minute changes were needed as the Flag Market can be a little exposed, so we tried to ensure that all those taking part had at least somewhere to shelter if necessary. […]

All set to Make Our Mark
Making A Mark 2019 is set to be bigger and better than ever. Our Arts Council funding bid was successful so once again we’ve been able to commission local artists and activities. Where last year we addressed the issue of increased use of food banks, this year’s theme addresses the impact of single-use plastics on […]
Drink & Draw does Rhythm Jam
Another new collaboration, this time with D52 gallery, Drink and Draw will be a relaxed, fun evening, where someone comes to perform/demonstrate/entertain whilst we draw them! D52 will then hold a pop-up exhibition of work created at the event. This month’s event will be Rhythm Jam with percussion demonstrations, interactions and performance, with the chance […]
It’s a Draw!
We are very pleased to announce that we have been invited by the Harris Museum & Gallery in Preston city centre to continue working with them running a series of Life Drawing sessions. A professional model offers a variety of short and long poses. The last session for 2018 is on 24th November so if you’d […]

Art Jam in photos
[tribulant_slideshow gallery_id=”4″] Wow – what an event! The Art Jam on Saturday, at the Harris Museum in Preston was amazing – so many visitors, at times it was difficult to move around. At its busiest, we had around 20 visual artists working on easels, another 6 or 7 sat on chairs with sketch pads, several […]

Art Jam at the Harris for Lancashire Encounter
Join us for the very first Art Jam to be held at the Harris Museum & Gallery in Preston as part of the Lancashire Encounter festival, as we celebrate our 7th birthday! We’ll be in Gallery 6 on the 2nd floor from 12-6pm Saturday 22nd September. We have a diverse selection of artists taking part, […]